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The English Apple Man


20th Oct 2017 - After two weeks relaxing in Malta The English Apple Man arrives back home on Saturday morning


The weather in Malta has been a consistent 23-25 degrees C over the last two weeks and ideal for our R&R - however today (20th) October it is very humid; not the ideal weather for packing suitcases. My dear wife has put her feet up and I am enjoying a cold Maltese beer.....


We leave Malta at 8.40 am tomorrow Saturday X fingers no delays and should be X finger home by 1pm UK time.


While the EAM Loves to read, mainly factual books, on holiday there is time to get stuck into a bit of 'fantasy' literature...


I have read two books while here and the first 'BIRD BRAIN' has been on my 'to do list' for a long time. The story; a mad keen country squire, who lives for shooting Pheasants and other 'game birds. Dies in a tragic accident when his gun blows up in his face. There is lots of intrigue, but basically he is reborn as a PHEASANT........


The second book by my favourite author 'DAN BROWN' is a lengthy tome called 'ORIGIN' - I tried to finish late on Thursday evening, but the eyes seem to get lost in a blur as tiredness overtook my after breakfast this morning I completed this fascinating 'super computer' aided exploration of the origin of life on Earth and a prophetic look at the future of 'homosapiens' through the eyes of a brilliant computer geek....played out with Dan Browns' regular 'super hero' ROBERT LANGDON aided as always by a beautiful woman....I imagine TOM HANKS has already been cast for another blockbuster to follow the DA VINCI CODE, ANGELS & DEMONS and INFERNO....




It's now 5.30pm in Malta on Friday and we off for dinner in a 'favourite' restaurant with our dear friends John and Sue........


More to come tomorrow........


It's now tomorrow; 3pm on Saturday afternoon, to be precise and we are now having to adjust to wet and windy weather after leaving Malta early this morning where the temperature was 24C at 6am and as someone who never feels the cold, I'm feeling a bit chilly....


Anyway; getting back to life at home, next week is The National Fruit Show where the English Apple Man will be involved - Judging on Tuesday, Networking on Wednesday with all my many fruit industry friends and attending the National Fruit Show Dinner in the evening; Thursday is presentation day, when all the prize winning entrants receive their trophies..........Click on The 2017 National Fruit Show for more information....


Below: 2016 Show Fruit Display



Below: Last year's Trophies on display



Below: Reflecting back to our holiday in Malta, we always have lunch on the second Sunday at Palazzo Parisio in Naxar. This beautiful old Palazzo (Palace) with the guarantee of good weather is the perfect setting 'lunching' under the elegant Parasols ............



For more about the venue click on Palazzo Parisio


That is all for this is now 7.45pm on Saturday evening and time to sort out the suitcases... next week, The Journal will feature a report on The National Fruit Show...



Take care



The English Apple Man