As we draw to the end of 2019 and 2020 beckons, The English Apple Man looks back at some of the highlights of the past year.
One of the most memorable events this year was the recognition of my dear friend Roger Worraker when he received the Presidents Award on his 90th Birthday at the Marden Fruit Show AGM from MFS President Michael Jack.
Below: Michael Jack, Roger Worraker & MFS Chair Sarah Calcutt
Click on Roger Worraker People Profile to read the story of Roger's life story!
There were 52 Journals published on The English Apple Man website in 2019 and this week, we will visit one from each month of the year.
In January the annual East Kent Fruit Society AGM and Dinner takes place and the highlight of the evening is the presentation of Orchard Competition Awards.
February records the success of Haygrove Evolution - John Breach receiving the Worshipful Company of Fruiterers Matthew Mack Award from Fruiterers Master Roux and The Under 40's in Chile.
In March a ground breaking event took place when the first commercial robot apple picker began operating in New Zealand. The issue also recorded more adventures by the Under 40's Group in Chile.
In April, The Marden Fruit Show Society held their AGM at the very new Marden Hockey Club.
A very special event took place after the AGM when MFS President the Right Hon. Michael Jack presented a stalwart of our top fruit industry Roger Worraker with The Presidents Award on what was his 90th Birthday!
May - An announcement revealed British Royal Gala is about to be available during June, July and August!
Fruity first for British apple growers and retailers - Extending the season for great British apples
In June we asked the question: "Carbon neutral by 2050?
July - East Kent Fruit Society (EKFS) visit Norton Farm Cherries.
August and a new apple variety, Magic Star which could be a 'game changer'
September - September morn, We danced until the night became a brand new day, Two lovers playing scenes from some romantic play, September morning still can make me feel that way.
October brings the later maturing apples and mechanical harvesters
Below: Ben Bardsley
November: The NextGen Fruit Group led by Chairman Ben Bardsley and his committee have 'hit the ground running' - the website sets out the transformation from the previous format into a broader charitable institution.
Inspiring: the Next Generation of Leaders - Core Values - Our Vision
Friday 13th December was Lucky for some and Unlucky for others!
That is all for this week, in fact 'this year' - so see you all next year!
Take care
The English Apple Man