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The English Apple Man


24th May 2024 - ELECTION

With an Election announced for 4th July The English Apple Man is 'pondering over what to write' for this week's Journal


Before I continue, I was delighted to hear my good friends Nick Dunn and his daughter Steph' have enjoyed success at The Chelsea Flower Show with their new ornamental cherry; STARLIGHT


Below: From their website


In cased you missed it, Prunus 'Starlight'R has been awarded the highly coveted title of RHS Plant of the Year 2024. Nick and Steph have been down at Chelsea telling experts and journalists all about it. Prunus 'Starlight'R was hosted on the GreenJjam Nurseries stand in the Grand Pavilion!


Stephanie Dunn James, Director of the tree nursery Frank P Matthews, said the tree features white, star-shaped flowers. "the variety was originally bred in 2006, but woody trees take a long time to trial and breed." The Prunus 'Starlight' is particularly unique as it is one of only a couple of varieties that flower in winter.



ELECTION - consequences?


After two dreadful years, apple and pear growers, indeed soft fruit, stone fruit and vegetable and salad growers as well, were pleased to learn that our (current) Government had announced several very positive initiatives at the Farm to Fork meeting at 10 Downing Street.


Downing Street Farm to Fork meeting


Below: See comment from Ali Capper at British Apples and Pears


"British apple and pear growers will be absolutely delighted with this much-needed announcement from the Prime Minister.


"Our growers will be especially heartened by the announcement of up to £10m for English orchard growers to access equipment, technology and infrastructure. This fast-forwarding investment will give our sector the critical confidence it urgently needs right now.


"We also want to welcome the doubling of funding for a retained EU scheme replacement in the PM's announcement. We will need to look carefully at the detail to ensure it doesn't add more red tape with any new structures, but that notwithstanding, it's very welcome news.


"Finally, the Food Security Index is a positive move. We've been in desperate need of a device like this that can drive home-grown fruit and veg production. We're not surprised at all that this year's Index has revealed that UK farming is at its most productive since records began - it's something our apple and pear growers tell us all the time.


"The future of British orchards and the growth of British apple and pear volumes is definitely looking brighter today."


Both these government announcements are testimony to the hard work of British Apples & Pears to highlight the issues facing growers and the solutions needed to support the industry.


BUT! "What now, can we expect a harmonious message from Kier Starmer?


With so much promised from Labour, will our fruit and farming industry be left on the back burner?



Listening to their 'Shadow Chancellor' Rachel Reeves last night on Question Time' I was struck by the comment from a gentleman in the audience, "you say a lot and promise a lot, BUT you do not tell us HOW you are going to finance change!


Revealed: (On google) Full draft policy platform that could form 2024 Labour manifesto


Support sustainable UK farming and animal welfare


Deliver a land-use framework in England that supports sustainable farming, enables the country to reach our climate goals, and improves our national biodiversity


Ensure more home-grown sustainable food is bought, made and sold, through public procurement targets


Ensure that 50% of all food purchased by the public sector is locally produced or certified to higher environmental production standards

Protect British standards in trade deals, rather than watering them down


Close loopholes in the fox hunting ban, outlaw trophy hunting (including imports from overseas) and ensure animals are treated with respect


A question posed by The EAM to Labour on Google: Will Labour ensure Supermarkets pay a price covering producers costs?


Answer: (AI ?) "Labour, both in government and opposition, has consistently worked to provide transparency across the food supply chain. Their efforts aim to ensure that food is produced to high standards and that producers receive a fair price1. While the specific details of their current manifesto are not yet fully disclosed, their historical commitment to fair pricing for producers suggests that they would continue advocating for equitable compensation for farmers and producers.


In addition, Labour has previously called for transparent contracts for dairy farmers, emphasizing the need for clear agreements that benefit both producers and retailers1. Ensuring fair prices and supporting producers is likely to remain a priority for the party.


However, it's essential to keep an eye on their official manifesto for the most up-to-date and detailed information on their stance regarding supermarket pricing and support for producers


What really intrigues me is; "how on earth are labour going to get anywhere near their multitude of promises"


Reality is; after the Pandemic and War in Ukraine, we owe so many Billions there is surely not enough financial resource to pay for all the promises!


Ah, you may cry, lets tax the rich more! But 60% of income tax is already paid by 10& of the taxpayers.


While I am resigned to Prime Minister Starmer taking office, (Tory MP's seem to be like rats leaving a sinking ship) I am fascinated to see how much harder it will be in Government to Opposition.


On a much brighter note, see below more pictures of Starlight Ornamental Cherry


Reaching 4m in height and about 3m across in ten years, and developing naturally upright growth without pruning, the elegant new 'Starlight' cherry makes a fine tree for a small garden.


It's tolerant of most garden soils, including chalk and clay, and happy in all climates across the country, though a sunny site will encourage the most prolific flowering.


The flowers have shown good resistance to frost damage and the tree is untroubled by aphids or bacterial infections.


That is all for this week


Take care


The English Apple Man