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The English Apple Man


26th Jul 2024 - BIFGA Summer Farm Walk -Presentations

At the BIFGA Summer Farm Walk last week, before the walk, several presentations were made


Below: John Breach opens the meeting, thanks sponsors and introduces the speakers.




BIFGA was formed in 1988, primarily to give independent apple and pear growers a 'voice'



"Our aims are to enable independent apple and pear growers to join together and use their collective strength for the benefit of the individual member and the industry as a whole.


Over the years, we have used our voice to lobby government and others on a very wide range of subjects. We have also used the Association as a forum to bring together growers and allied companies to their mutual benefit"


John Breach said BIFGA would like to acknowledge the generous support being given towards this event by:

Oxbury Bank,






Below: Iain Hawthorn Oxbury Bank Plc


Oxbury is the UK's only specialist agricultural bank and the only bank that has a singular focus on the rural economy. We provide farmers with the specialised lending that they need to run their farms and provide savings accounts to any individual or business that wants to back British farmers and UK agriculture.


We have a deep understanding of the agricultural sector and the challenges that farmers face because we talk to farmers about their business every day.


We use our industry knowledge and purpose built technology platform, to make quick and appropriate decisions on credit facilities, so that our customers can spend less time dealing with administration.


Our lending and savings accounts are accessible 24 hours a day via our secure platform and mobile app. Our dedicated relationship managers provide a wealth of agricultural experience and banking advice to support the needs of our customers.


Since launching as a fully regulated bank in February 2021 Oxbury has grown and is now the bank of choice for farmers. Of the hundreds of lending deals on the books, many leads have come from recommendations from other farmers and people in the industry, something we are very proud of. Already, Oxbury has paid out hundreds of millions of pounds in supporting farmers with long term loans and cashflow related products. Helping farmers invest in growing their business through modernisation and expansion.



At Oxbury we are extremely positive about the future of agriculture and the huge opportunities available for the food and farming sector. Oxbury is actively seeking to help farmers take advantage of these opportunities by funding improvements in efficiency and productivity, reducing carbon footprints, producing energy, growing high quality crops and livestock for home production and export, diversification and much more.


Click on: Oxbury News and Blog for much more Oxbury news in greater detail.



Below: Amanda Karlstrom NIAB


Next generation Apple Breeding for Resilient UK Production


Amanda Karlstrom


Plant breeder and geneticist updated the BIFGA audience on a Growing in Kent & Medway plant breeding project


Amanda is a plant breeder, primarily involved in the apple scion breeding through the Apple Breeding Consortium (ABC) at NIAB . She also has involvement in the apple and pear rootstock breeding, predominantly in the trialling of selections and the development of new breeding methods


Amanda's research interests include quantitative and molecular genetics and she is currently carrying out a part-time PhD studentship focussed on the genetic control of resistance to the pathogen European apple canker, Neonectria ditissima.


Next generation apple breeding for resilient UK production


NIAB - Project objectives


The control of fungal diseases in apple significantly adds to production costs. The long-term aim of the industry is to breed apples with resistance to these diseases. However, breeding is a long-term process and typically takes 20-25 years from crossing to release.


In this project NIAB scientists are working with Worldwide Fruit Ltd to develop novel breeding methodologies that will enable a shorter breeding cycle for apple and ensure a faster route to market for resistant varieties. The methodologies will include the use of genomic selection, marker assisted selection and speed breeding.


Lead Researcher: Amanda Karlstrom

Industry: Fruit

Industry partners: Worldwide Fruit Ltd

Topic: Genetics, Crop protection (pests, diseases and weeds), Breeding

Funded by: Growing Kent & Medway

Project start date: Jun-2023 - Project end date: Mar-2025




Below: Nigel Bardsley Chairman & Annette Bardsley Vice Chair - National Fruit Show


Supporting the National Fruit Show


After challenging times last year, The National Fruit Show has restructured the committee and introduced a more streamlined show for 2024.


With several key office holders retiring from the committee a new Chairman; Nigel Bardsley takes on the mandate in what can only be described as challenging times, with UK apple & pear growers facing difficult times with prices received from the Supermarkets generally below cost of production.


No one has more experience of the National Fruit Show which has been part of the Bardsley family Physche' from his father and mother's time and he will be ably supported by Annette Bardsley as Vice Chair and President Catherine Paice now in her second year and bringing wide experience of farming matters.


Claire Seymour moves from Vice Chair to Chair of The Board of Trustees and Robert Mitchel (Chair of MFSS circa two decades ago) brings his years of fruit show and industry experience to the role of Vice Chair of The Board of Trustees.



After reviewing the invaluable feedback from exhibitors from the after show survey 2023, this year's show will be a one day format located in the Maidstone Exhibition Hall. With meticulous planning there will be space for all exhibitors creating a dynamic, buzzing atmosphere, a great place for attendees to meet and socialise.


The 2024 National Fruit Show will held on Wednesday 6th November at The Kent Event Centre at Detling in Kent.




Below: James Simpson MD Adrian Scripps Ltd


British Apples and Pears - Update


James in his role as a BAPL Board Member and MD of one of the most progressive British apple growing and packing businesses, gave an overview of the audit requirements : The English Apple Man comments: "in truth, an exponential explosion of agencies each with their own individual requirements on top of the legal requirements for Farm Assurance".


James said over the last 30 years the number of audits his business has to deal with is now at the stage where (quote) 26 of the 52 weeks in the year are consumed by audits.


James agrees independent audits are a good mechanism for ensuring the consumer is assured of safe food produced to the highest standards. However it has now gone to far....






BAPL has called on SEDEX to pause its introduction of changes to its SMETA 7.0 standard. BAPL says that the proposed changes cannot be implemented or audited correctly, and risk food inflation of around 4-5p or more per pack of apples.


Click on: BAPL Audit Burden Summary


BAPL recommendations


To help our growers focus on the important job of growing delicious safe fruit and, at the same time, ensure that high standards are maintained, BAPL is recommending that supermarkets agree one suite of audits for all apple and pear growers.


We are also asking assurance schemes to adopt an OFSTED-style approach to audit timing, so that consistent high performers are recognised as requiring a lighter touch.


We want to be audited, but we don't want to waste time repeating the same audits in slightly different formats. We believe that with some simple coordination and recognition of repeatedly demonstrated high standards we can reduce the red tape audit burden on growers without any compromise on safety and quality.




The English Apple Man Comments:


In keeping with every BIFGA 'gathering' yet another excellent event spent at John & David Hinchcliff's New House Farm. John Breach and his committee, with the incomparable Hon Secretary Judi Perry produced a most enjoyable and educational evening!



That is all for this week


Take care


The English Apple Man